Mandatory Destination Attribute


Are destination devices that belong to a Destination that has “Mandatory Destination Attribute” set available as choices for calls originating from a source device that does not have “Mandatory Destination Attribute” set?


LCR would work as expected for source devices with a Mandatory Destination Attribute, but only Destinations with the matching attribute would be part of the LCR.

For example, assume the LCR algorithm returns the following destinations for a call:

  • LCR1 = Provider A, Destination Attribute = none

  • LCR2 = Provider B, Destination Attribute = T38

  • LCR3 = Provider C, Destination Attribute = none

  • LCR4 = Provider D, Destination Attribute = T38

Now assume the same call is made from a source device with Mandatory Destination Attribute = T38.

For this call the LCR algorithm will return:

  • LCR1 = Provider B, Destination Attribute = T38

  • LCR2 = Provider D, Destination Attribute = T38