Grade of Service

Grade of service is a qualitative measure of service quality. A is best Grade of Service. Grade of service is used by the Least Cost Routing algorithm to exclude breakouts that do not have an acceptable Grade of Service.

For example, if a Product rate plan specifies Grade of Server = B for a breakout, then only terminating breakouts with Grade of Service equal A or B will be considered for Least Cost Routing. If the cheapest route for a breakout has a Grade of Service = C, it will not be included as a possible route. When the Product grade of service is ‘A’, the LCR algorithm will only consider routes with grade of service A. When the Product grade of service is ‘B’, the LCR algorithm will only consider routes with grade of service A or B. When the Product grade of service is ‘C’, the LCR algorithm will only consider routes with grade of service A, B, or C. When the Product grade of service is ‘E’, the LCR algorithm will only consider routes with grade of service A through E.