Change Timezone on NexOSS

Raw CDRs always have time stamps in UTC (Univeral Time Coordinates). However, reports in NexOSS are presented based on the time zone of the host server. These instructions provide an example of how to change the timezone of the NexOSS host server from UTC to MDT (Mountain Standard Time which is UTC -07:00 hours.

In order to change the NexOSS timezone, first stop the NexOSS application as shown below.

[ossadmin@tnexusoss ~]$ cd $NexOSS_HOME/unix/run
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$ pwd
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$ ./

Next, become the root user and navigate to the /etc/directory. Remove the symbolic link for localtime which points to UTC in this example, and replace it with a symbolic for localtime that points to MST.


[root@tnexusoss ~]# cd /etc
[root@tnexusoss etc]#
[root@tnexusoss etc]# ls -l localtime
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 25 Jun 20 19:23 localtime -> ../usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
[root@tnexusoss etc]#
[root@tnexusoss etc]# rm localtime
[root@tnexusoss etc]#
[root@tnexusoss etc]# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/MST localtime
[root@tnexusoss etc]#
[root@tnexusoss etc]# ls -l localtime
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 25 Jun 20 19:23 localtime -> ../usr/share/zoneinfo/MST

Confirm the timezone change by issuing the “date” command.

Restart NexOSS.

[ossadmin@tnexusoss ~]$ cd $NexOSS_HOME/unix/run
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$ pwd
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$
[ossadmin@tnexusoss run]$ ./