Unable to Push CDRs from SBC


Unable to push CDR files from SBC to CDRConverter.


  1. Check that the CDRConverter host server can accept file transfers

    • Try to FTP or SFTP files from command line manually to the CDRConverter INPUT directory designated for the SBC’s firmware. If files cannot be transferred to the host server, this is the problem. See your system administrator for help.
  2. Check the SBC configuration

    • Incorrect SBC configuration is the most common reason CDR files cannot be pushed to the server hosting CDRConverter. Contact technical support of your SBC vendor or support@transnexus.com for help.
  3. Check the CDRConverter Directory Path length

    • If the pathname to the CDRConverter INPUT directory is too long to configure for the CDR push function in the SBC, then the solution is to create a softlink with a shorter path in the CDRConverter host server that links to the correct INPUT directory in CDRConverter. The symbolic link should be created by user ospadmin. For example, if the path /home/ospadmin/OSP/OSPreyPackage/cdrconverter/data/INPUT/Acme6.2-2 is too long, then create a shorter softlink such as /home/ospadmin/OSP/SBCDATA.
    [ospadmin@vmware5-centos OSP]$ ln -s OSPreyPackage/cdrconverter/data/INPUT/Acme6.2-2 SBCDATA

    Change the SBC push-receiver remote path configuration to /home/ospadmin/OSS/SBCDATA