Change Time on Reports

OSPrey CDRs are always reported with a date/time stamp in UTC (Universal Time Coordinates which also known as GMT). CDRs presented in NexOSS reports are based on the local time of the server hosting NexOSS. For example, if the server hosting NexOSS is set to local time EDT which is UTC -4 hours, then an OSPrey CDR with a time stamp of 03:00 UTC will appear in a NexOSS report for the previous day at 23:00 EST.

To change the time period for NexOSS reports, change the local time of the host server. The following Linux commands are an example of how to change the local time for a Linux host.

  1. Log in as super user

    [ossadmin@nexoss ~]$ su
    [root@nexoss ossadmin]#
  2. Confirm the current local date and time is correct.

    [root@nexoss etc]# date
    Thu Aug 16 15:09:17 EDT 2012
  3. Confirm UTC time is correct.

    [root@nexoss etc]# date -u
    Thu Aug 16 19:09:20 UTC 2012
    [root@nexoss etc]#
  4. Move to the /etc directory.

    [root@nexoss ossadmin]# cd /etc/
  5. Confirm that local time file exists.

    [root@nexoss etc]# ls -l localtime
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3519 May 11 10:57 localtime
  6. Rename current localtime file so a new localtime file can be created.

    [root@nexoss etc]# mv localtime localtime.orig
    [root@nexoss etc]#
  7. Create a symbolic link that points localtime to UTC.

    [root@nexoss etc]# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC localtime
    [root@nexoss etc]#
  8. Confirm the new localtime symbolic link points to UTC.

    [root@nexoss etc]# ls -l localtime
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3519 May 11 10:57 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
    [root@nexoss etc]#
  9. Confirm the local server time is UTC.

    [root@nexoss etc]$ date
    Thu Aug 16 19:10:06 UTC 2012
    [root@nexoss etc]$
  10. Confirm that localtime and UTC are the same.

    [root@nexoss etc]$ date -u
    Thu Aug 16 19:10:09 UTC 2012